Traditional Text and Hypertext

I love to read good old-fashioned books. Libraries are some of my favorite places.

When I started to think of how I would like to cross traditional text with hypertext, my first thought was that it would be wonderful if while I was reading a book, if I came across a word I was unsure of I could simple click on it and get the definition rather than stopping to find a dictionary. Or if a character appears and I can’t remember exactly who they were earlier on, I could click on the name for a quick bio summary. I think someone might have told me it was possible to do something like that, at least as far as the dictionary part, on a Kindle. I’m not sure how I feel about eRaders yet. There is just something special about holding a book, measuring the remaining portion with your thumb.

As for what to take from traditional text and implement in hypertext. I like to take notes while I read, even just making little marks next to a passage I enjoyed. Maybe if the passage could become a hyperlink to the notes I made about it, so that the part of the text as well as my notes could be easily accessed together later.

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